Welcome to InstMem.com

    InstMem.com is a web place to remember things in your life, could be a few words about a great moment, some photos for a family event, or a quick record of your kids' achievement. The site is optimized for both desktop computers and mobile devices. A dedicate iphone and android app will also be available very soon.

     Built privately and securely on amazon cloud, all contents can easy be managed from your finger tips, shared with cloest ones, or emailed back as a complete archive for your record. for a pure purpose of enlighening people's everyday life instead of profiting, data on Instmem.com will never be put on any commercial purposes.

    A unique feature of instmem.com is to compile all your diaries and photoes together into a pdf file, any time, for download. Also if you want it to be printed out as a book, it is very easy to order it online. see our free book offer.

    Questions and suggestions are specially welcomed, pls email us at support@instmem.com

    Now enjoy your easy family diary, it's completely free.